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Is the insurance adjuster calling? Talk to an attorney first to avoid these tricks

by | Oct 13, 2020 | Accident Injury

Were you hurt in a wreck? When you’re injured and the bills are piling up, it’s easy to view the fact that the other party’s insurance company is already calling you. You may even have hopes for a quick settlement.

Don’t get your hopes up. Insurance company adjusters have one job, and that involves trying to save their company money. They have a bag full of tricks to use against you, including:

  • Acting like your friend. When they call, they may sound sympathetic to your needs, concerned about your injuries and very understanding. This is a ploy to get you to open up and start talking. Why? So they can fish around for details that they can use to minimize your injuries or deny your claims.
  • Putting you on record. Adjusters will quickly tell you that they’re about to record your statements. Here’s a fun fact, however: You’re under no obligation to give a recorded statement, and you should decline. Why? Again, you don’t want your words to be twisted around and used against you later.
  • Claiming that you’re equally at fault for the wreck. Georgia law only allows you to recover damages if you are less than 50% responsible for your injuries, so any admission you make that implies you made mistakes can be used against you.
  • Delaying your claim as long as possible. If they can’t avoid paying you, delaying is a good tactic. Why? Because it can make you desperate to get things settled and more likely to accept a low-ball offer.

If you must speak with the insurance adjuster, be brief and stick to business. It’s far safer to put your personal injury claim in the hands of an experienced attorney, instead.